Perception Point 為推行防禦即服務(Prevention as a Service)備受全球業界推崇的資安服務公司,同時經 Gartner 認可具備業界革命性技術。100%運用創新的各類 AI 技術,結合其獨家專利的次X世代HAPTM遞迴拆解動態偵測技術,分析攔截經由電子郵件、雲端程式、網頁瀏覽及雲端儲存等協作管道之 Content-borne Threats 內容散播惡意威脅。GPThreat HunterTM 更為一項以GPT-4模型所驅動的自主分析Incident Response 創新技術,有助其免費的24/7 IR全球服務速度鉅幅降低至17分鐘。

Perception Point 由前以色列國防網路情報團隊於2015年所創立,客戶遍佈全球,其中包含許多 Fortune 500 大企業,橫跨眾多產業,如:公用事業、電信、科技、零售、食品、醫療保健、金融服務等。

連續兩年 SE Labs 公布之Email Security Services實測評比報告,Perception Point 於偵測防禦率、整體準確度與零誤判三項評比業界史無前例皆獲100%滿評分,再再榮獲SE Labs評定為業界最佳之Email Security Service2024 Gartner Peer Insights Rating 4.9 顆星,並因其進階電子郵件安全、進階內部電子郵件安全與進階協作安全解決方案,已連續四年名列Gartner® 代表性ICES (Integrated Cloud Email Security) 供應商,2023 亦榮獲Globee® Cybersecurity Gold Awards 金獎與KuppingerCole Email Security Leadership Compass整體產業領導者獎。

Perception Point 2022年4月併購Web Isolation端點隔離解決方案領導品牌-Hysolate,進一步完備其360°管道涵蓋率。Perception Point Advanced Browser Security 提供 Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge 安全的 Local Browser 端點上網環境,整合其無人能出其右的 Perception Point Multi-Layer 動態偵測掃描與CPU數據指令演算分析技術,針對瀏覽網站及檔案下載時,偵測攔截惡意釣魚網站、惡意超連結、惡意程式及程式碼等APT攻擊。


  • 2023 Cybersecurity「Most Innovative Next Generation Security」Gold Globee Winner
  • 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Rating 「4.8」顆星
  • 2022 SE Labs「Email Security Services Protection report #1」100% highest AAA Award
  • 2022 Infosec Awards「Market Leader Browser Isolation」Publisher’s Choice
  • 2022 Infosec Awards「Hot Company Deep Sea Phishing」Publisher’s Choice
  • 2022 Infosec Awards「Hot Company Email Security」Publisher’s Choice
  • 2022 Cyber Security「Hot Security Technology of the Year-Security Cloud/SaaS」Silver Globee Winner
  • 2022 Disruptor Company Awards「Annual 2022 Disruptor Company AwardsWinner
  • 2022 Disruptor Company Awards「Cyber Security Cloud/SaaSGold Globee Winner
  • 2022 Tech Ascension Awards「Best Email Security SolutionWinner
  • 2022 SaaS Awards Winners「Best Security Innovation in a SaaS Product (B2B, Enterprise) Winner
  • 2022 FinTech Global「CyberTech 100Winner
  • 2022 Fortress Cyber Security Award Winner
  • 2021-2019 Gartner Representative Email Security Vendor in their Integrated Cloud Email Security (ICES)」
  • 2021 Cyber Security 「Disruptor Company of the Year-Security Cloud/SaaSBronze Globee Winner
  • 2021 Infosec Awards「Email Security and ManagementPublishers Choice
  • 2020-2019 Gartner Market Guide for Email Security 」-Advanced Email Security Advanced Internal Email SecurityAdvanced Collaboration Security
  • 2020 SE Labs「Email Security Services Protection report #1highest AAA Award

Perception Point 將遭鎖定的不同攻擊目標及管道進行集中管理,深層迅速精準偵測、分析及回應,100% Content Scanning,達成零信任之終極目標。

Protecting The Main Attack Vectors
可涵蓋專屬應用程式 – 內部或客製的網頁應用程式、檔案串流、ICAP整合等。